
Substance Use Disorder impacts everyone, lets talk about addiction.


Recovery Starts with Connections, we’re here to help.



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Substance Use Disorder impacts everyone, lets talk about addiction.
Recovery Starts with Connections, we’re here to help.
Mental Health
Mental Health Goes Hand In Hand With Recovery
Search our Narcan map to help save someone's life.

ANYONE can overdose, ANYONE can save a life.

Learn about Naloxone the opioid overdose reversal medication or request a response training for you or your team today.

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The United States:

Opioid Crisis



Misuse of prescription medications and other street drugs have increased significantly over the years leading Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, to declare the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency in October of 2017. According to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME, 2020) 357 CT Residents lost their life due to a drug overdose in 2012, a number that has tripled the last 8 years. In 2021, the opioid crisis claimed the lives of 1,531 residents; an opioid was involved in 94% of those deaths, while fentanyl was involved in 85%. Illicitly Manufactured Fentanyl is the current driver of fatal overdoses across the country.




Meet the Team

Overdose Data to Action

The Quinnipiack Valley Health District (QVHD) was awarded the Overdose Data to Action grant through the Department of Public Health (DPH) in March of 2020. In collaboration with the New Haven Health Department (NHHD) this new grant will allow us to expand our efforts to address the surging opioid crisis in the greater New Haven area. Working with the state DPH and other local partners, we aim to enhance our response to drug overdoses, strengthen public health interventions to prevent the misuse of opioids, improve protective behaviors, increase our community’s awareness and reduce drug overdose morbidity and mortality.

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Trainings, Events & Drug Testing Results

Drug Testing Results

Yale Community Health Care Van is actively collecting samples of drugs sold/used locally in Connecticut to better inform people who use drugs on what is circulating in the drug supply and how to stay safe. Each week, the team sends out updates on the latest sample results, learn more and sign up for routine updates…


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