Overview of Problem


DPH Dashboard

The Connecticut Department of Public Health presents an interactive dashboard with drug overdose data to increase public awareness about the impact of the opioid crisis in Connecticut. In this dashboard, demographic, geographic and type of drug-related overdose information can be visualized through the years from 2015 to 2021.

 Overdose Data to Action Report

The Quinnipiack Valley Health District & The New Haven Health Department partnered with the non-profit Data Haven to produce a report reviewing substance use, overdose & treatment trends within our five towns.

State Crafted Reports

DPH Monthly Drug Overdose Death Reports:

CT Statewide Opioid Reporting Directive (SWORD) The Connecticut Department of Public Health Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS), in collaboration with the Connecticut Poison Control Center (CPCC) at UCONN Health, and pursuant to Public Act No. 18-166, Sec. 5 have enacted a real time reporting mechanism for Opioid Overdoses in the State through Emergency Medical Services called the CT EMS Statewide Opioid Reporting Directive (SWORD).   All CT certified and licensed EMS organizations and providers are now reporting to the CPCC after any call where the patient is suspected of opioid use causing decreased responsiveness, respiratory depression or death, whether or not naloxone was administered.

All data is then uploaded to ODMap, an overdose surveillance system, that allows local health and EMS to visually monitor overdose activity and trends in real time. Reports are published monthly and provide a comprehensive overview of opioid overdose activity across the state including heat maps, demographics of those impacted and narratives on findings from the field. 

SWORD Newsletters 2022


SWORD October 2022 Newsletter

SWORD Reports

Monthly NHHD & QVHD Overdose Data Reports

February 2021 

March 2021

April 2021 

June 2022 


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