Harm Reduction Works
Harm Reduction Approaches
Research consistently shows that harm reduction does not encourage use of drugs, in fact, lessens individual and societal burdens of opioid use.
- Needle Exchange – Also known as Syringe Services Programs (SSP), provide new and sterile syringes to drug users. PREVENTS: Spread of HIV, AIDS, HEP C, Infection.
- Fentanyl Strips – Strips used for testing of street bought drugs for the presence of fentanyl . PROMOTES: Controlled use of substance and decreases likeliness of overdose.
- Narcan – Medication administered by users and community members to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. SAVES LIVES!
- Syringe Disposal – Designed to provide people who inject drugs with equipment (container) and accessible locations to safely dispose of needles (drop box). DECREASES: Discarded needles in public space and injury to general public.
Next Distro is an online and mail-based harm reduction service designed to reduce opioid overdose death, prevent injection-related disease transmission, and improve the lives of people who use drugs.
Next Distro has an incredible resource page with creative approaches to drug user education.
Click here to visit their resource hub which contains information on Harm Reduction, Skin Care & Wound/Abscess Care, Safe Injection, tapering management from benzos, how to identify fake or counterfeit pills, withdrawal management, transitioning routes of administration & much more.
Public Service Announcement:
What to do if accidentally pricked
Public Service Announcement: What to do if accidentally pricked
Clean it!
Wash area with soap and water (30secs)
Cover it!
Cover pricked area with sterile band aid (or bandages)
Report it!
Visit your nearest medical service center
If you have no choice but to use alone, call! You will be asked for your first name, exact location, county, and the number you’re calling from. An operator will then stay on the line with you while you use. If you do not respond after a set amount of time after you’ve used, the operator will notify emergency services of an “unresponsive person” at your location. If you call, and cannot connect with an operator, please call 911.